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design + art direction

Much of my time was allocated to final production of the magazine with color mark-up, prepress coordination, internal changes and client feedback. However, I also regularly designed main edit stories and department pages. 

046-051 Cooking for 2_11.22 km-1.png
046-051 Cooking for 2_11.22 km-2.png
046-051 Cooking for 2_11.22 km-3.png
042-047 Lettuce Eat_3.21 km-1.png
042-047 Lettuce Eat_3.21 km-2.png
046-051 W&S Cheers_10.22_RHW_Page_1.png
046-051 W&S Cheers_10.22_RHW-2.png
048-053 No Bake Pumpkin_8.25_RHW_Page_1.png
048-053 No Bake Pumpkin_8.25_RHW-2.png
074-079 Watch Party_12.19_rhw-1.png
Brunch Opener.png
030-035 Oranges_11.11 LM-1.png
028-031 W&S Kombucha_5.27 km-1.png
040-043 10 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets_5.23 km-1.png
118-119 Respiratory Wellness_7.8_LW.png
050-053 Pots and Pans Guide_12.21_RHW-1.png
120-121 Pharmacy Quit Smoking_11.22 RHW.png
120-121 NavigateMedicareD_9.27.png
120-121 Pharmacy_04.19 RHW.png
120-121 Pharmacy $4 Generics_12.21_RHW.png
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